by Chiranjeet | Feb 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
As a beginner who needs to develop his career in the field of architecture, there are certain things that you should definitely know. From knowing about the art of model making to getting the required work experience, we’ve compiled a list of things that you Chiranjeet | Feb 4, 2023 | ALL, NATA
As a future architect of this country, the type of classes you choose to form a foundation will play a huge role in your later. Silica provides various coaching options for future architects which will help easily prepare for your architecture journey. Don’t Chiranjeet | Feb 4, 2023 | ALL, NATA
Did you know that merely knowing Nata’s paper pattern won’t be enough to make you score a good rank in your Nata paper? By talking to various previous architecture students we’ve compiled a list of things you definitely need to check out before starting your Chiranjeet | Aug 1, 2022 | ALL, NATA
Architecture is defined as the process or product of planning, creating, and designing buildings or other structures. At first, architecture was only considered the construction of monuments and other symbols of art. However, in recent times, architecture Chiranjeet | Aug 1, 2022 | ALL, NATA
Are you seeking a career that’ll always challenge you and help you grow? Architecture is an extraordinary career choice that is booming across the globe. Architects are responsible to build and design buildings and other constructional structures that are aesthetic...