UCEED Study Material 2025-2026 – Books & Online Study Material Kit

NEWS: 1450 SILICA students cleared UCEED from last 3 years See Full Results

8 reasons SILICA UCEED Study Material helps students crack UCEED 2025:

  • Online App. Learn 24×7
  • 1,000+ video solutions
  • 1,000+ sample questions
  • 5 Full Mock Tests
  • Mapped to NEW Pattern
  • 50+ Drawing Videos
  • 5 Years Solved Papers
  • 10 DAT & GAT Books

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See detailed table of contents below.

UCEED 2025/2026 Study Material – Table of Contents

# Modules Highlights
1 Online Learning App Online App with Video Lessons, PDFs, Part A Quizzes, Part B Questions for UCEED.
2 Books Set of 10 UCEED Books for DAT & GAT preparation
Online Learning Module (OLM):

The Online Kit is made up of the Online Learning App. It can be accessed at learn.silica.co.in or through Moodle App (available on Google Play Store & Apple Store). Study Books Kit orders get the App free as part of their Kit. See the detailed content

1 Introduction to This Course
2 Maths & Logic – 500+ Video Solutions
3 Math & Logic – 40+ Quizzes
4 Design Aptitude – 10+ Quizzes
5 GAT English – 5+ Quizzes
6 GAT Maths – 20+ Quizzes
7 GK & Current Affairs – 50+ PDFs
8 GK & Current Affairs – 10+ Quizzes
9 NAT, MSQ, MCQ – 16+ Quizzes
1 Introduction to This Course
2 UCEED – All Information
3 Drawing & Design – 50+ Video Lessons
4 Design Aptitude Book
5 Other Design Schools Prep
6 UCEED – Past 6 Years Papers
7 UCEED – 6 Mock Tests
8 NID Past Papers
9 NID Mock Test Papers
Study Books:

Study Books Kit orders contain a set of 10 books as follows:

Book No. Description of the Book Purpose of the book / How to study from the books
1 Introduction to Drawing & Design

These 5 Books are to prepare for Drawing section, which carries 20% weightage in UCEED Exam.

Every design entrance exam will check Drawing, Design & Creativity skills. The books will help students learn drawing & design through a step by step learning approach. The books are made of lectures. Each lecture covers key topics. Students are expected to complete the learning exercises, exploration exercises and application exercises. The outcome from these exercises can become part of the students’ portfolio, which is required for admission to most design schools.

2 Color Theory & Compositions
3 Perspective & Object Drawing
4 Human Figure Drawing
5 Compositions & Memory Drawing
6 1. Numerical Ability – Practice Sets

These 4 Books are to prepare for General Ability Test (GAT) section, which may carry 80% weightage in UCEED Exams.

Every design entrance exam will check basic mental ability or IQ of the students. These books are made of practice sets to test and improve your skills of topics like Quantitative, Analytical Reasoning, English Communication & General Knowledge abilities. Students should complete these practice sets and check their answers against solutions given in the books. More such topics and assignments are included in SILICA’s Online Learning Module.

7 2. English Communication & Comprehension – Practice Sets
8 3. Reasoning & Logical Deduction – Practice Sets
9 4. General Awareness & Case Studies – Practice Sets
10 UCEED Design Aptitude Development Book This book is specially designed by NID / IIT Alumni for SILICA students. The book contains 10 most important topics on Design Aptitude (DAT) based on questions in NID, MIT, Srishti etc past papers. For each topic, it has tips for solving questions, activities to develop creative aptitude, online links to study and questions expected in the UCEED Drawing paper.
UCEED Exam Pattern & Syllabus
  • Visualization and spatial ability: Pictorial and diagrammatic questions to test; understanding of transformation and/or manipulation of 2D shapes and 3D objects and their spatial relationships; knowledge of practical and everyday mechanical and scientific concepts.
  • Observation and design sensitivity: Ability to detect concealed properties in ordinary things, people, situations, and events, and thinking critically about them. Applying attention to certain details, analysing, reasoning, classifying, inferring and predicting. Ability to discern subtle differences in visual properties and aesthetic outcomes.
  • Environmental and social awareness: General awareness of environmental factors such as climate, population, water, vegetation, pollution, weather, natural resources etc., and their implications on the design of products, images, infrastructure and environment. Awareness of social and cultural connection with design, history of the designed artefact, and socially responsible and environmentally sustainable design responses. History of art, sculpture and literature.
  • Analytical and logical reasoning: Ability to look at information, be it qualitative or quantitative in nature, and discern patterns within the information. Ability to weigh opinions, arguments or solutions against appropriate criteria. Ability to check for hidden bias or hidden assumptions and whether evidence and argument support conclusions. Ability to use logic and structured thinking to deduce from a short passage, which of a number of statements is the most accurate response to a posed question. Data Interpretation, brainteasers, and patterns.
  • Language and creativity: Ability to understand and use Standard English. Reading comprehension, knowledge of English grammar such as sentence structure and usage, the use of tenses, verb patterns, articles, and active and passive constructions etc., and vocabulary skills. Being able to think of creatively in terms of alternatives, ability to distinguish innovative options and think out of the box.
  • Design thinking and problem solving: Ability to use visual analogies, metaphors, signs and symbols. Ability to understand complexity, identify problems, generate alternatives, evaluate options and select solutions.
Features of UCEED Study material 2025/2026:

UCEED study material for 2025 covers the basics as well as the advanced concepts of the aforementioned syllabi for UCEED examination. The rationale behind designing the study material for UCEED is to make it simple and easy for students to focus on exam-oriented questions and the way to answer them in the best possible manner.

The SILICA UCEED exam study material has been prepared by eminent experts with several years of experience under their belt. It is essentially a study guide consisting of video lessons, books, PDFs, previous years’ questions, mock test questions, and many solved questions based on different UCEED exam patterns. To help students in memorizing the concepts for UCEED examination 2025, UCEED 2025 study material presents important information concerning the various concepts in tabular form.

Authors of the UCEED entrance study material hope that their work will help students in grasping the concepts with ease so they can do well in their UCEED entrance examinations.

Thus, it is a comprehensive study guide which aims at acquainting the students thoroughly with the basic concepts. Overall, it comes across in six modules: each module is dedicated to a particular syllabus and attaches importance to the preparation for the examination.

It is available online. To buy UCEED study material 2025, you need to order it online on the website. After clicking on the “order now” option, you will be redirected to another page wherein you will need to input some basic information on a form. Once you fill up all the details, you need to click on the “register button” and then proceed to the payment page to complete the process.

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U-CEED 2025 - 2026 Entrance Exam Preparation

All About UCEED by IIT – 2023 Attempt

1. What is UCEED?

UCEED is Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design conducted by IIT Bombay. UCEED is the entrance exam for admission to Bachelor of Design (BDes) program at IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati, IIT Roorkee, IIT Hyderabad and IIITDM Jabalpur.

UCEED 2025 scores as also accepted for admission by:

  1. Department of Design, Shiv Nadar IoE, Delhi NCR
  2. Jain (Deemed-to-be-University), Bangalore
  3. Alliance University, Bengaluru
  4. Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal
  5. Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bengaluru
  6. Mahindra University, Hyderabad
  7. CEPT University, Ahmedabad
  8. Nirma University, Ahmedabad
  9. School of Creativity, Rishihood University
  10. FLAME University, Pune
  11. BITS Design School
2. What are the contact details for UCEED?
3. What BDes programs do IITs offer?

The IITs offer a common, general BDes program. There are no specializations / disciplines available for the BDes programs. The no of seats available for each category for Bachelor of Design program at different institutes is given below:

Seat Matrix of UCEED for 2024-2025

IITB 14 1 4 0 9 1 5 0 3 0 37
IITD 7 1 2 0 5 0 3 0 2 0 20
IITG 23 0 5 1 15 0 7 1 3 1 56
IITH 10 0 3 0 6 1 4 0 2 0 26
IITR 7 1 2 0 5 0 3 0 2 0 20
IIITDMJ 26 1 6 0 17 1 10 0 4 1 66
Total 87 4 22 1 57 3 32 1 16 2 225

*Note: PD reservations @ 5% (total 2 seats) will be horizontal across all categories and will consume seats from within other categories.

4. What is the eligibility for UCEED for admission to BDes program at IITs?


The candidate should have been born on or after October 1, 2000 if belonging to the OPEN or OBC-NCL category and, on or after October 1, 1995 if belonging to the SC, ST or PwD category.


The candidate should have qualified, i.e., obtained a rank in UCEED 2025.


Qualifying Examination: Passed all five subjects in Class XII or equivalent in 2024 or 2025. Those who appeared for the first time in 2023 or earlier are NOT eligible.

Eligible Streams and Institutes: Science Stream with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics: Eligible for all six participating institutes (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Roorkee, and IIITDM Jabalpur). Other streams (Science without Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry, Commerce, Arts & Humanities): Eligible for IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, and IIT Hyderabad.

Admission Criteria for B.Tech. in Design at IIT Delhi: Based on JEE (Advanced) rankings. Additionally, aspirants must qualify in UCEED

Admission Criteria for B.Des at IIITDM Jabalpur: Only students with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology at 10+2 can apply. Students from Commerce, Arts, or Humanities at 10+2 are not eligible for B.Des admissions at IIITDM Jabalpur.

Eligibility for IIT Guwahati and IIT Roorkee: Science Stream with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics: Eligible. Other streams (Science without Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry, Commerce, Arts & Humanities): NOT eligible.

Requirements for Candidates Appearing in 2025: Complete all parts of the final examination by the date of application for admission. Submit proof of passing the qualifying examination with required eligibility by September 30, 2025, to the admitting institute

Qualifying Examination Board Certificate: If awarded only letter grades, the candidate must obtain a certificate specifying the passing grade and upload it along with the grade sheet. In case such a certificate is not provided, the decision by the UCI Committee is final.

Criteria for Foreign Nationals: Applicable “in toto” to all applicants, including foreign nationals. Seats allotted to foreign nationals are supernumerary, capped at 10% of total seats in a program. Only those holding OCI/PIO cards issued before 4th March 2021 considered under the OPEN category and are outside the ambit of EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, and ST categories.

5. What is the process for admission to BDes program at IITs?

Admission to B.Des program at IITs is on the basis of the candidate’s UCEED score. Only UCEED 2025 qualified students can apply for admission to the B.Des program. UCEED score will be the only selection criteria for B.Des admissions at IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati, IIT Roorkee, IIT Hyderabad and IIITDM Jabalpur.

The 5 institutes will have a common application form for admission to their respective B.Des programs. The UCEED Office, IIT Bombay will process the common application form and carry out the joint seat allocation process. Key Dates are:

UCEED Exam: January 19, 2025

UCEED Result: March 07, 2025

BDes Application: March 14 to 31, 2025

The application process is simple and has the following key steps:

  1. Register and apply through common IIT Bombay Admissions Portal
  2. Upload digital copies of relevant documents
  3. Pay application processing fee of ₹4,000/-
  4. Submit priority order for choice of institutes
  5. Detailed instructions are provided within the online application portal.
6. What are the fees for BDes program at different IIT Institutes?

The fees are revised every year just before the BDes application process starts. For general idea, these are the annual fees for admission year 2020-21:

One time fee at Admission 10,000 20,000 15,000 7,000
Tuition Fees* 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 1,08,000
Other Fees 15,000 10,000 20,000 10,000
Mess & Hostel Charges* 60,000 40,000 45,000 35,000
Total 2,85,000 2,70,000 2,80,000 1,60,000


  1. The Tuition Fees are waived off for all SC / ST category students.
  2. The Mess & Hostel Charges are waived off for economically backward SC / ST students.
7. What is the pattern of the UCEED entrance exam?
  1. The question paper will consist of two parts: Part A (Objective Section) and Part B (Drawing Section)
  2. The question paper will be for 300 marks. Part A = 200 marks. Part B = 100 marks exam will be for 3 hours. Part A = 2 hours. Part B = 1 hour.
  3. The question paper will be in English.
  4. Questions from both parts are compulsory.

PART-A – 200 marks | 2 hours

The summary of the paper structure is given below:

Section # Questions Marks / Ques Negative Marks Total Marks
NAT 14 4 0 56
MSQ 15 Partial Marking −1 60
MCQ 28 3 −0.71 84
Total Part A 57   200

PART-B – 100 marks | 1 hour

Type of Question Number of Questions Total Marks
Sketching 1 50
Design Aptitude 1 50
  1. Part-B has two questions to test drawing skills and design aptitude, evaluated subjectively. Questions will be shown on the computer screen, and answers must be written or drawn in the provided answer book. PwD candidates using a scribe cannot get assistance with Part-B, as it tests their drawing skills.
  2. It will require subjective evaluation.
  3. The question in Part-B will be displayed on the computer screen and the answer has to be written/drawn in Part-B answer booklets, which will be collected at the end of the examination.
  4. Part-B question is mandatory for evaluation of UCEED paper.
8. What is the syllabus for UCEED exam?

The syllabus in each part of UCEED exam is as follows:

I. Part A (Objective Section) Part A of the UCEED exam will have questions from the following topics-

  1. Visualization and spatial ability: Pictorial and diagrammatic questions to test understanding of transformation and/or manipulation of 2D shapes and 3D objects and their spatial relationships, knowledge of practical and everyday mechanical and scientific concepts.
  2. Practical and scientific knowledge: Know-how of scientific principles and everyday objects.

  3. Observation and design sensitivity: Ability to detect concealed properties in ordinary things, people, situations, and events, and thinking critically about them. Applying attention to certain details, analysing, reasoning, classifying, inferring and predicting. Ability to discern subtle differences in visual properties and aesthetic outcomes.
  4. Environmental and social awareness: General awareness of environmental factors such as climate, population, water, vegetation, pollution, weather, natural resources etc., and their implications on the design of products, images, infrastructure and environment. Awareness of social and cultural connection with design, history of the designed artefact, and socially responsible and environmentally sustainable design responses. History of art, sculpture and literature.
  5. Analytical and logical reasoning: Ability to look at information, be it qualitative or quantitative in nature, and discern patterns within the information. Ability to weigh opinions, arguments or solutions against appropriate criteria. Ability to check for hidden bias or hidden assumptions and whether evidence and argument support conclusions. Ability to use logic and structured thinking to deduce from a short passage, which of a number of statements is the most accurate response to a posed question. Data Interpretation, brainteasers, and patterns.
  6. Language and creativity: Ability to understand and use Standard English. Reading comprehension, knowledge of English grammar. Ability to think creatively in terms of alternatives, ability to distinguish innovative options and think out of the box..

SILICA Experts Note: The expected weightage of different topics of the UCEED syllabus is as follows

Subject Expected Weightage
1. Visualization and spatial ability 25%
2. Observation and design sensitivity 15%
3. Environmental and social awareness 10%
4. Analytical and logical reasoning 25%
5. Language and creativity 10%
6. Design thinking and problem solving 15%
Total Marks % → 100%

II. Part B (Subjective Section): Part B of the UCEED exam will have question which will test the candidate’s ability to draw.

Drawing: Draw products, people or scenes in proportion with good line quality, composition, proportion, perspective and shading.

Design aptitude: Capability to practically and appropriately respond to problems/situations with ingenuity and empathy. 

SILICA Experts Note: The answers to these questions are assessed on the basis of:

i. The Idea or Concept: How creative, unique, interesting, sensible the idea or concept of the answer is.

ii. The Presentation: Quality of visualization, technical drawing, coloring, overall presentation.

9. Can I download past papers / sample papers for UCEED?

Download the Past / Original papers for UCEED exam from the following link-

The original UCEED papers for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 are available at the above link along with expert analyses by SILICA experts.

10. What are the important dates for admission to BDes program at IITs?

These are the important dates in the admission process of BDes at IITs through UCEED score:

Important Steps BDes 
Online Application Form available 14 March 2025
Last date of Online Application 31 March 2025
UCEED Exam January 19, 2025
Release of Final Answer Key for Part A January 21, 2025
Declaration of UCEED result March 07, 2025
Seat allotment round1 April 21, 2025
Seat allotment round 2 May 19, 2025
Seat allotment round 3 June 10, 2025
Seat allotment round 4 June 24, 2025
Seat allotment round 5 July 03, 2025
11. Where is the UCEED entrance exam held?

These are the important dates in the admission process of BDes at IITs through UCEED score:

UCEED will be conducted in the following 24 cities in India: Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Ernakulum, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Panaji, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur and Visakhapatnam. There will be on international exam center in Dubai.

Note: IIT Bombay reserves the right to drop any city for conducting the exam due to poor response. Students have to select top 3 choices. If a city is dropped from the list, then the later choices are offered to the student.

12. What is the passing score / cut off for passing UCEED exam?

A rank list is prepared based on the combined marks obtained in Part A + B of the UCEED exam. Only candidates who score the minimum prescribed marks in each section of both Part-A and Part-B and minimum total marks will be included in the rank list. The minimum prescribed marks varies with the category as shown in the table below:

Merit List Minimum % of marks in each Section of Part-A and Part-B Minimum Total Marks
Common Rank List (CRL) 10 100
OBC-NCL rank list 9 90
SC rank list 5 50
ST rank list 5 50
PwD rank list 5 50

SILICA Expert Notes:

  1. Candidates equal to about 10 times the number of seats available obtain ranks in the UCEED exam.
  2. Obtaining a rank in UCEED 2020 does not guarantee admission to the B. Des program. Only top 200 ranks or so obtain admission in IITs.
  3. However, UCEED score is considered for admission by several other Design Institutes for admission.
13. Is there any re-evaluation possible of the UCEED exam result?

Part-A of the examination is a computer based test, there is no scope for review, re-grading or re-totalling of the Part-A marks of the examination paper. 

The evaluation of Part-B will be done manually . 

  • If the difference in marks awarded by the two evaluators <= 10 marks, a simple average of the two evaluations will be considered.
  • If the difference is > 10 marks, the answer sheet of Part-B will be evaluated by a third expert examiner (and so on until the difference of marks <= 10).
    A simple average of the closest of two evaluations will be selected as the final marks.
  • If the difference in marks of the closest of two evaluations is >10 after several evaluations, a moderator will be invited to examine the answers.
  • If the difference in marks between the moderator and either of the examiners is the same, then the higher average will be considered for calculating the score
14. What was the analyses past UCEED exam papers?

UCEED 2019 exam was conducted on January 19, 2025. From 2015 to 2019, UCEED exam only had the Part A (Objective Section). The comparison of the weightage of different topics in Part A of the exam is as follows:

Subject 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
1. Visualization and spatial ability 47.7% 20% 45.3% 33% 39%
2. Observation and design sensitivity 15.3% 12% 8.3% 11.3% 14%
3. Environmental and social awareness 5.3% 18.7% 10% 19% 18%
4. Analytical and logical reasoning 31.7% 36% 27.3% 31.3% 23%
5. Language and creativity 6% 5.3% 9% 13.3% 0%
6. Design thinking and problem solving          
Total Marks % → 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

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