CEED Online Coaching 2025-2026

568 Cleared CEED 2024
70 in top 100 | 47 Allotted Seats

568 Cleared CEED 2024
70 in top 100 | 47 Allotted Seats

CEED entrance exam online coaching 2025

CEED is a premium design entrance exam for admission into premier design institutes like IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, IITDM Delhi, and many more for postgraduate courses like M.Des and Ph.D. 

Students from all types of streams appear for CEED to fulfil their dream of becoming a designers. The exam is known to test students’ knowledge in various areas like drawing and design foundation, 3D design, material handling, and many more. Through SILICA’s online CEED coaching you’ll be able to ace your exams as done previously by our talented students. 

People who have a natural incline for design and creativity should most definitely give this exam a try. Right-time allocation is one of the most important criteria when considering the CEED exam and SILICA is here to help you delve deep into this journey. We scientifically check each student’s attitude and passion to help them be firm about their career choice. We handheld each student in their exam preparation through our skilled and experienced mentors. With SILICA’s online coaching, you can be sure to get the best value for your money!

CEED 2025 Notification Released :

IIT Bombay has released the CEED 2025 notification on October 1, 2024. The exam will take place on January 19, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, comprising two mandatory parts: PART A and PART B. Online registration is open from October 1 to October 31, 2024, on the official website ceed.iitb.ac.in for eligible candidates.

Eligibility for CEED:

Candidates with a degree/ diploma/postgraduate degree are eligible to appear for CEED. 55% marks are required to be obtained in the relevant qualifying exam.

As no age limit exists, the candidate can appear for CEED multiple times. 

Pattern for CEED 2025 entrance exam (250 marks):

Part-A Total Marks Part-B Total Marks 
Numerical Answer Type (NAT) – 8Q 32 Designing, Drawing and Sketching based 5Q 100
Multiple Select Question (MSQ)- 10Q 40    
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)- 26Q 78    
Total marks 150   100

In Part A questions about visual and spatial ability, environmental and social awareness, analytical and logical reasoning, language, observation and design sensitivity of the candidate will be tested as specified on the official website of CEED.

Similarly in Part B, the design, drawing, and writing skills of the candidate will get tested. The medium through which the exam will get conducted is computer-based and the answers are to be implemented in the answer booklet.

Weightage mentioned:

Part A- 25%

Part B- 75%

In CEED’s most recent paper questions could be seen divided among various topics of Sketching, Creativity, Visual Sensitivity, and Form Sensitivity.

Different phases under CEED 2025:

Phase 1 (November): CEED written exam 

Phase 2 (March): Written Application to IITs/IISCs

Phase 3 (April): Written test, Interview, and Studio Test at IIT/IISC

Our institute provides various entrance exam coaching options for CEED’s entrance exam. Read on to know more.


online lectures

15 / 45 / 90 days crash course for 2025 attempt

Live Classroom Lectures

Online Study Kit Throughout Course

CEED Coaching 2023 / 2024 Attempt

SILICA is a Guide, not just a Coaching class! SILICA will help you at every stage of your architecture journey.

1. Before you Start

We scientifically check your Aptitude & Passion for Architecture.

2. Ace Coaching

with Top Faculties, Online App, Study Books, Weekly Tests.

3. After Your Course

Personal Guidance for admission and college decisions.

1. Before you Start

We scientifically check your Aptitude & Passion for Architecture.

2. Ace Coaching

with Top Faculties, Online App, Study Books, Weekly Tests.

3. After Your Course

Personal Guidance for admission and college decisions.

Modules covered under SILICA’s CEED online coaching program:

  1. Drawing and design foundation
  2. Our CEED preparation will help you
  3. 3D Design and material handling
  4. Observation and perception
  5. Environmental awareness
  6. And many more..

SILICA’s CEED online coaching program:

SILICA’s CEED online coaching

15 days

45 days

90 days

Suitable for 

2nd year or above graduating students

2nd year or above graduating students

2nd year or above graduating students

Ideal for people who require 

Little-Moderate level coaching

Moderate level coaching

Moderate-Expert level coaching

Demo available




Online kit available




Free Download PDFs

Download free PDFs / Videos created by our expert Faculties.

Advantages of availing SILICA’s CEED online coaching program:

1. Live classroom advantage
Through SILICA’s CEED online coaching lectures, you can quickly clear all your concerned doubts by directly communicating them to our professors. Through our live classrooms, you can easily watch any video at the place of your convenience along with several other batchmates. 

2. LMS Advantage

Avail the LMS Advantage and get access to our online portal. Through our portal, you can quickly check your knowledge by appearing for various online tests and assignments. Test yourself through various quizzes and become closer to cracking your CEED exam. By appearing for various tests you will get better prepared to appear for various analytical and logical reasoning questions. 

3. Save your time

SILICA’s CEED online coaching lectures will help you save your time traveling through which you can help devote more time to studying and other personal activities. Save your time practicing the concepts of design thinking and problem-solving shown in the online videos and improve your skills in the comfort of your home. Instead of wasting your time watching several useless videos avail use of our CEED preparation online videos and become exam-ready today!

4. Save your money

Save on the unnecessary cost to commute, food, clothing, and other expenses by studying in the comfort of your home through our CEED preparation online videos. Attending an offline coaching class can prove quite expensive but with the use of our CEED preparation online tutorials, you can easily improve your exam score by delving deep into the information about a particular topic.

5. Highly customizable

We provide a range of options for our CEED online coaching course by letting you select from a range of options like 15 days, 30 days, and 45 days. Select from a batch that would easily fit your schedule. Our CEED online coaching videos can be easily viewed at the time and place of your convenience. If you think cracking the NID entrance exam in 15 days is impossible, we’ll make you believe through our experienced and talented mentors. Be it a time frame of 15 days, 30 days, or 45 days, our CEED online coaching videos will help in improving your observation and design sensitivity skills.

6. Better communication

Facilitate better communication through our CEED preparation online videos by communicating your math or design-related doubts directly to one of our mentors. If you’re somebody who doesn’t like confronting people directly and would rather study at your own pace, our online coaching videos can be the perfect match for you! Re-watch our videos multiple times and prepare your doubts in advance for your next live session. SILICA’s live lectures are here until you get to the bottom of your design-related query.

7. Mentor-guided approach

Our mentors will help you throughout your journey by helping you clear any doubts regarding your assignments and other design-related doubts. Our videos will cover all content ranging from the spatial ability to environmental awareness. To begin with, you can even talk to one of our agents and get a clear vision of the journey you are going to venture upon or clear any doubts regarding our CEED preparation online program. Our tutorials are expertly crafted to cover all the concepts relating to your uCEED exam syllabus.

8. Wide variety of resources

Our uCEED preparation through online lectures will provide you with a wide variety of resources for your preparation. This will include access to information regarding the registration dates, admission handbook, sample exam papers, real exam papers, and many more. All the resources mentioned above can be accessed on our website.

9. Skill enhancement

Enhance your skills on various topics like transformation and manipulation of objects, environmental and social awareness, design thinking, and problem-solving through our CEED online coaching videos. Develop the ability to portray out-of-box ideas and improve your designing skills by learning different techniques for composition, proportion, and shading.

10. Necessary groundwork

Our CEED preparation through live online lectures will help you with the necessary groundwork required for solving all the numerical and multiple-choice questions. Get expert advice on your work through SILICA’s online coaching program which would be useful even after the completion of your program.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is CEED?

CEED is Common Entrance Exam for Design conducted by IIT Bombay. CEED is the entrance exam for admission to Master of Design (MDes) programs at IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Jodhpur, IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee, IIITDM Jabalpur, IIITDM

CEED scores as also accepted for admission to MDes programs by Other Design Institutes as follows:

  1. Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar
  2. Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab
  3. Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bengaluru
  4. University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun
  5. Jain (Deemed to be University), Bangalore
  6. World University of Design, Delhi NCR
  7. Department Of Design, Shiv Nadar University, UP
  8. ISDI School Of Design & Animation, Mumbai
  9. Vishwakarma University, Pune
  10. School of Planning & Architecture, Bhopal
2. What is the eligibility to appear for CEED exam and for MDes admission at IITs? What is the qualifying score for CEED 2025?

The eligibility criteria to appear for CEED exam is as follows:

  • Educational Qualification: To be eligible, candidates must either: have completed a minimum three-year degree/diploma/postgraduate program (after 10+2) or a GD Arts diploma (10+5) by July 2025; or be in their final year of such a program and expecting to graduate by July 2025.
  • Age: No age limit
  • Number of Attempts: No limit on the number of attempts



Cutoffs are determined as follows:
– OPEN: Cutoff = Mean + (SD/2)
– OBC-NCL/EWS: 0.98 x OPEN Cutoff
– SC/ST/PwD: 0.5 x OPEN Cutoff

CEED 2025 Qualifying marks as per various categories are as follows :

Cutoff 54.17 53.09 27.09


3. What is the pattern of the CEED entrance exam?

The objective of the Common Entrance Exam for Design (CEED) is to assess the candidate’s aptitude for design covering visual perception ability, drawing skills, logical reasoning, creativity, communication, and problem solving skills. Here are all the details about the CEED exam:

  1. The question paper will consist of two parts: Part A (Objective Section) and Part B (Drawing Section)
  2. The question paper will be for 250 marks. Part A = 150 marks. Part B = 100 marks.
  3. The exam will be for 3 hours. Part A = 1 hour. Part B = 2.0 hour.
  4. The question paper will be in English.
  5. Questions from both parts are compulsory.

PART-A – 150 marks | 1 hour

The summary of the paper structure is given below:

Section Questions Question No. Marks for each correct answer Negative Marks Total Marks
NAT 8 1-8 4 0 32
MSQ 10 9 – 18 Partial Marking -1 40
MCQ 26 19-41 3 -0.5 78
Total  44 1-44 150

Note: Questions not attempted will be given zero marks.

PART-B – 100 marks | 2.0 hours

  1. Part-B of CEED paper consists of five questions which will evaluate drawing, creativity, communication skills, and problem identification skills.
  2. It will require subjective evaluation.
  3. The question in Part-B will be displayed on the computer screen and the answer has to be written/drawn in Part-B answer booklets, which will be collected at the end of the examination.
  4. Part-B questions are mandatory for evaluation of CEED paper.
  No. of Questions Question number Partial Marks Negative Marks Marks
Sketching 1 1 Yes No 20
Creativity 1 2 Yes No 20
Form Sensitivity 1 3 Yes No 20
Visual Sensitivity 1 4 Yes No 20
1 5 Yes No 20
  5 1-5     100
4. What is the syllabus for CEED exam?

The syllabus in each part of CEED exam is as follows:

I. Part A (Objective Section): Part A of the CEED exam will have questions from the following topics –

  • Visualization and Spatial Reasoning: Ability to mentally manipulate and understand 2D shapes and 3D objects, including their spatial relationships.
  • Practical and Scientific Knowledge: Understanding of basic scientific principles and common objects.
  • Observation and Design Sensitivity: Ability to identify subtle details, analyze everyday situations critically, and apply detailed observation, classification, and predictive reasoning.
  • Environment and Society: Awareness of the interconnectedness between design and environmental, social, and cultural factors.
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning: Ability to analyze both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Language Proficiency: Competence in reading and understanding Standard English.
  • Creativity: Understanding and application of verbal and non-verbal analogies, metaphors, and symbolic representation.
  • Art and Design Knowledge: Familiarity with art, artifacts, products, artists, designers, art/design history, and current trends.
  • Design Methods: Understanding of design methods, materials, production, and ergonomics


II. Part B (Subjective Section): Part-B of CEED paper consists:

  • Drawing: Ability to render products, people, or scenes accurately with proper proportion, line quality, composition, perspective, and shading.
  • Creativity: Ability to generate innovative and diverse solutions through unconventional thinking.
  • Communication: Ability to effectively convey concepts and ideas using both text and visuals.
  • Problem Identification: Ability to understand user needs and context, coupled with knowledge of material properties and their appropriate design applications.

SILICA Experts Note: The answers to these questions are assessed on the basis of:

  1. The Idea or Concept: How creative, unique, interesting, sensible the idea or concept of the answer is.
  2. The Presentation: Quality of visualization, technical drawing, coloring, overall presentation.
5. What are the important dates for admission to M.Des program at IITs?

These are the important dates in the admission process of M.Des at IITs through UCEED score. The Dates will be published in the respective sites.

6. Where is the CEED entrance exam held?

CEED will be conducted in the following cities in India: Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh/Mohali, Coimbatore,
Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Ernakulam, Guwahati, Hubballi (Hubli), Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Noida, Panaji, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur, and Visakhapatnam.

Note: IIT Bombay reserves the right to drop any city for conducting the exam due to poor response. Students have to select the top 3 choices. If a city is dropped from the list, then the later choices are offered to the student.

7. What is the passing score / cut off for passing CEED exam?

Cutoffs are determined as follows:
– OPEN: Cutoff = Mean + (SD/2)
– OBC-NCL/EWS: 0.98 x OPEN Cutoff
– SC/ST/PwD: 0.5 x OPEN Cutoff

OPEN : 54.17


SC/ST/PwD: 27.09

Final Score is calculated as:

Final score = 0.25 × Marks scored in Part-A + 0.75 × Marks scored in Part-B

8. Is there any re-evaluation possible of the CEED exam result?
  1. Part-A of the examination is a computer based test, there is no scope for review, re-grading or re-totalling of the Part-A marks of the examination paper.
  2. The evaluation of Part-B will be done manually by two evaluators independently. If the difference in marks is less than 20%, then a simple average of the marks will be considered. If the difference in marks is greater than 20%, then the paper will be evaluated by a third evaluator. A simple average of the closest of 2 evaluators will be selected as the final marks. There is no scope for re-evaluation of the Part B of CEED exam.
9. What is the process for admission to MDes program at IITs?

Admission to MDes program at IITs is on the basis of the candidate’s CEED score. Only CEED 2025 qualified students can apply for admission to the MDes program. CEED score will be the only selection criteria for MDes admissions at IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati,
IIT Hyderabad, IIT Jodhpur, IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee, IIITDM Jabalpur, IIITDM Kancheepuram.

After qualifying, candidates must apply to the respective institutes for admission and fulfil other requirements such as tests and / or interviews of the respective institutes to become eligible for admission. The announcement for admission to the postgraduate programmes in design CEED 2025 will be notified separately by these institutes. Candidates are advised to visit the websites of respective institutes for information and application procedure for the programmes.

The application process is simple and has the following key steps:

  1. Register and apply through common IIT Bombay Admissions Portal
  2. Upload digital copies of relevant documents
  3. Pay application processing fee 
  4. Submit priority order for choice of institutes
  5. Detailed instructions are provided within the online application portal.
10. What MDes programs do IITs offer?

Based on the CEED score, candidates are shortlisted for MDes entrance exams. The different institutes offer following MDes programs:

  1. Industrial Design / Product Design (ID)
  2. Communication Design / Visual Communication (CD)
  3. Animation Design (AD)
  4. Mobility & Vehicle Design / Transportation Design (MVD)
  5. Interaction Design (IAD)


UCEED / CEED 2025 application is now Live

The application process for UCEED and CEED 2025 is now officially live! If you’re passionate about design and looking to pursue a Bachelor of Design (BDes) or Master of Design (MDes) at some of India’s top institutions, this is your chance. The Undergraduate Common...

M.Des Admission Guidelines for CEED Qualified Candidates

Introduction: CEED is the Common Entrance Exam for Design conducted by IIT Bombay. CEED is the entrance exam for admission to Master of Design (M.Des) programs at following IIT / IIITDM institutes: IISc Bangalore IIT Guwahati IIT Roorkee IIT-IDC Bombay IIT Hyderabad...

UCEED Application and Exam Dates 2025 (Actual Dates)

UCEED Application dates 2025 have been released on the UCEED website. Students can visit uceed.iitb.ac.in for official notice. We are listing the schedule for UCEED 2025 exam Date below. Start Date for Online Registration: October 01, 2024, 01:00 pm Last Date for...

CEED Coaching in Mumbai

CEED Coaching in Vasai

Contact Person : Mr Manish Shah
Unit No 5 Vinod Niwas, Above Vodafone Gallery, Near Syndicate Bank Vasai West, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Phone: 7097638888, 8390004391

CEED Coaching in Borivali

Contact Person : Shikha
304 & 305 V Star Plaza, Beside Saraswat Bank, Opp: Raj Mahal Hotel, Chandavarkar Lane, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Phone: 9029002530, (022)28936365
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CEED Coaching in Goregaon

Contact Person : Rupa Dhakan
C 101/102, Green Lawns Apts, Opp. St. Pius College, Aarey Road, Goregaon (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063
Phone: 8433932283
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CEED Coaching in Andheri

Contact Person : Rupa Dhakan
Madhaveshwar CHS, 1st Floor, Flat no. 8, Above Bootmaker, S V Road, Next to Andheri (W) Bus Depot. Mumbai 400058, Maharashtra.
Phone: 8433932283, 8928100490
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CEED Coaching in Dadar

Contact Person : Priyanka
D-102, Gurukrupa, N. C, Kelkar Road, Opp.Plaza Cinema, Dadar (West) Mumbai 400 028, Maharashtra.
Phone: 8433932282, (022)24327715
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CEED Coaching in Charni Road

Contact Person : Pooja
101, 1st Floor, Anmol Society, French Bridge, Opera House, Mumbai 400 007, Maharashtra.
Phone: 7718959202, 8879295297
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CEED Coaching in Ghatkopar

Contact Person : Kavita Redkar
310, Sai Infotech, Station Road, Near Railway Station, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai - 400077, Maharashtra.
Phone: 9819646072
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CEED Coaching in Mulund

Contact Person : Kavita Redkar
601, Parmeshwari Plaza, Above HDFC Bank, N.S. Road, Near Mulund West Station, Mumbai - 400080, Maharashtra.
Phone: 9819646072, 9820046072
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CEED Coaching in Thane

Contact Person : Gauri
Jaishree Apts., 3rd Flr., Opp. Alok Restaurant, Gokhale Road, Thane (West) - 400604, Maharashtra.
Phone: 8080607170, (022)45170904
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CEED Coaching in Kalyan

Contact Person : Monal Naik
A1,Madhav Commercial Complex, Station Road, Opp Archies Society, Kalyan (W) - 421301, Maharashtra.
Phone: 8433932288 , (0251) 2204498
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CEED Coaching in Vashi

Contact Person : Mr.Ajay Naik
701, 7th Flr., Realtech Park, Plot No. 39/2, Above LG Showroom, Sector 30A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Phone: 7666807170, (022)27811024
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CEED Coaching in Ghodbunder Road

Contact Person : Heena
Unit No. 702, Ashar Millennia, Next to Vijay Sales, Kapurbawdi Junction, Thane (West) – 400607
Phone: 9326290272
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CEED Coaching in Pune

CEED Coaching in Law College Road

Contact Person : Swapnil Jadhav
2nd Floor, Reverie Apts, Survey No. 805, Bhandarkar Road, Above Skoda showroom, Deccan, Pune - 411 004, Maharashtra.
Phone: 8928022217, (020)25648181
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CEED Coaching in Mahatma Gandhi Road

Contact Person : Shruti Naidu
2nd Floor,Shan Hira Building, Near Canara Bank, Above Titan Showroom M. G. Rd Camp, Pune - 411 001, Maharashtra.
Phone: 8928022216
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CEED Coaching in Pimpri Chinchwad

Contact Person : Sharayu
Office No 76, 5th Floor Kunal Plaza, Near Chinchwad Station, Mumbai - Pune Highway Road Chinchwad , Pune - 411019, Maharashtra.
Phone: 8928222210, (020)46720207
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CEED Coaching in Baner (Aundh)

Contact Person : Chetana Bhandurge
3rd Floor, Shri Ram Yashoda, SNO 79/1, Next to Orchid School, Balewadi Phata, Baner , Pune - 411045, Maharashtra.
Phone: 7498904744, 7498904745
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CEED Coaching in Kothrud

Contact Person : Divya Rao
6th Floor, office no. 604,605 Swojas one Next to Reliance Digital Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra- 411038
Phone: 8928006651
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CEED Coaching in Sinhagad Road

Contact Person :
4th Floor, Vasant Vaishali, Above Pizza Hut, Next to Santosh Hall Narveer Tanaji Malusare Road, Arvind Society, Anand Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra-411051
Phone: 8928455103
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CEED Coaching in Ahmedabad, Delhi, Bangalore, Indore, Lucknow, Nagpur, Nashik, Aurangabad

CEED Coaching in Mansi Cirle, Ahmedabad

Contact Person : Rupa
432, Sunrise Mall, Near Swaminarayan Temple, Mansi Cross Roads, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380015
Phone: 8433932283
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CEED Coaching in Preet Vihar, Delhi

Contact Person : Mr. Paritosh
F-13, Ground Floor, Opp. Manav Medicare Center, South Ext Part 1, Block F, New Delhi - 110049
Phone: 8810433025
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CEED Coaching in South Ext, Delhi

Contact Person : Sharayu
Office No 76, 5th Floor Kunal Plaza, Near Chinchwad Station, Mumbai - Pune Highway Road Chinchwad , Pune - 411019, Maharashtra.
Phone: 8928222210, (020)46720207
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CEED Coaching in Malleshwaram, Bangalore

Contact Person : Deepika
No. 18/3, Above Cafe Coffee Day, 18th Cross, Sampige Road, Malleshwaram(W),
Bengaluru, 560003
Phone: 9820046072, 9513330539
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CEED Coaching in BTM Layout, Bangalore

Contact Person : Kavita Redkar
SILICA BTM, Second Floor MANIKANT, No:73, 100 Feet Ring Road, BTM Layout II Stage, Bangalore 560076.
Phone: 7045823434 , 9820046072
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CEED Coaching in Janjeerwala chouraha , Indore

Contact Person : Nimita Chhabra
211, Mourya centre, 16, Race course Road opposite Basket ball complex, Near Janjeerwala chouraha,
Indore - 452001
Phone: 7773033311, 7773033322
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CEED Coaching in Lucknow

Contact Person : Swapna
301, 3rd floor, T.S TOWER, Ashok marg, hazratganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226001.
Phone: 7977196006
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CEED Coaching in Dharampeth, Nagpur

Contact Person : Aparna Tayade
Shiv Gaurav Estate,5th floor, opposite Taori Marketing, Bhagwaghar, Dharampeth, Nagpur - 440010, Maharashtra.
Phone: 7977232418 , 9324031268
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CEED Coaching in Canada Corner, Nashik

Contact Person : Seema Patil
Shop No 202-205, Patil Plaza, 3rd Floor, Vise Mala,
Canada Corner, Nashik-422005, Maharashtra.
Phone: 7498180068
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CEED Coaching in N3 Cidco, Aurangabad

Contact Person : Ar Sharda Mudkavi Plot No 177, N3 Nyay Mandir Marg, Kamgar Chowk, N 3, Cidco, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431009.
Phone: 9673993691, 8182085555
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