How Do You Prepare for the UCEED Entrance Exam?

by | Apr 10, 2021 | ALL, UCEED | 0 comments

UCEED is the acronym for Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design. It is an entrance exam that happens every year under the supervision of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. The latter uses the merit list of the aspirants for admissions to BDes courses.

Follow the steps below to crack UCEED exam 2025 with better preparedness.

Step 1: Have the UCEED Exam Paper Pattern and marking scheme in your mind

Knowing the question paper well is the first step towards preparing for a competitive exam such as UCEED.

UCEED exam paper of UCEED examination in 2025 will have two parts: Part A and Part B.

What will Part A Have?

Part A will have a total of 57 questions carrying 200 marks, and the duration in which you need to answer the questions is 2 hours.

The marking scheme for this part will be as follows:

Parts Type of question Marking scheme Number of questions Marks
Section 1 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions 4 marks for each correct answer; no negative marking 14 56
Section 2 Multiple Select Questions (MSQs) 4 marks for each correct answer; -1 marks for every wrong answer 15 60
Section 3 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 3 marks for each correct answer; -0.71 for each wrong answer 28 84

It will consist of the following parts:

  1. Language and Creativity
  2. Design thinking and Problem Solving
  3. Environmental and Social Awareness
  4. Analytical and Logical Reasoning
  5. Visualization and Spatial Ability
  6. Observation and Design Sensitivity
  • Language and Creativity: Students must have the ability to understand passages in a commonly used English language. Aspiring candidates must think creatively in the matter of alternatives, facility to differentiate innovative options and think out of the box.


Fill in the blanks to keep the sentence grammatically correct as well as meaningful. (MCQ)

……….. the facts, she proceeded with her decision, finally ending up with a …………. situation.

  1. Nevertheless, happy
  2. Apparently, initially
  3. However, noteworthy
  4. Notwithstanding, sad
  • Design Thinking and Problem Solving: In this section, questions on various topics like metaphors, symbols, signs, visual analogies are asked.


Four square table-tops of the same dimensions are shown below. Only the designs of their supports are different from each other. If a person stands upright on the red mark on each of the tables, which of the tables will topple? (MSQ)

  • Environmental and Social Awareness:  In this section, candidates are asked questions based on environment and social awareness. You can expect questions related to pollution, population, climate, literature, natural resources, history of art etc. are asked.


Images of traditional products of certain states of India are shown below. Identify the correct set of states to which these belong. Names of the states are in a random sequence. The products are made out of clay, willow/wicker, wood and brass. (MCQ)

  1. Maharashtra, Nagaland, Jammu & Kashmir, Chhattisgarh
  2. Nagaland, Jammu & Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh
  3. Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana
  4. Maharashtra, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning: In this section, analytical and logical reasoning questions are asked. You can expect questions on patterns, brainteasers, data interpretation, assumptions and conclusions, arguments, etc.


Two water tanks A and B of equal square base of sides 3 feet are shown below. Water flows from tank A to tank B through a tube. What will be the volume (in cubic feet) of water in Tank A when the water stops flowing? (NAT)

  • Visualisation and Spatial Ability: In this topic, pictorial and diagrammatic questions are asked to test the transformation/ manipulation of 2D shapes and 3D objects followed by their spatial relationships.


Two perspective views of the same solid object are shown below. How many surfaces does the object contain? Assume hidden surfaces to be flat. (NAT)

  • Observation and Design Sensitivity: This section questions will be asked to test the candidate’s ability to analyze, reason, classify, infer and predict and also ability to discern subtle differences in visual properties and aesthetic outcomes.


Identify the option that will replace the question mark. (MCQ)

What will Part B have?

Part B will have one question of drawing carrying 60 marks. You will get a maximum of 30 minutes to answer the question of this part.

The question on the drawing will test your sketching ability plus your understanding of shading, perspective, proportion, composition, and good line quality.

Step 2: Formulate a strategy to answer the questions within the duration of time allotted for the exam

You will get a total of 3 hours to write down the answers. Unless you take the examination with a well-planned strategy, you may not succeed in answering all the questions. So, work on the pace at which you answer the questions.

Step 3: Practice and solve the sample papers of the previous years

Apart from knowing the ins and outs of the question paper for the UCEED examination paper, you also need to strategize how you would answer the questions. One of the best things you can do in this regard is to solve the sample papers of the previous years.

It will help you in the following ways:

  • You will be able to find out how long you take to answer questions from specific topics.
  • It will help you distribute your time to answer each question so you can answer all the questions.
  • This method will make you confident. As a result, you will be able to overcome stage fright.

Step 4: Assess your preparation with mock tests

Solving mock papers constitutes one of the best ways to evaluate your UCEED preparation before the actual day of the examination. The more you practice them, the better. So, try to dedicate as much time as you can in solving UCEED mock test.

Step 5: Read the questions carefully to understand the requirements before you attempt to answer them

You will only be able to answer a question only if you know its requirements. That is to say; you need to understand a question to frame your answer effectively. If you do not understand the question once, read it again.

Step 6: Improve your communication skills by reading newspapers and magazines

You will need to have good comprehension skills in English. Try making reading a habit, especially newspapers and magazines. Once you get into it, you will find a way to improve your communication skills.

Step 7: Improve your general knowledge

One of the important things you need to do well in the UCEED examination is to improve your general knowledge. Again, there is no short cut to learn this skill. You need to keep track of the latest information from current affairs and other aspects.

Step 8: Refer to useful books 

The selection of books will play a decisive role in our chances of cracking the UCEED examination. After all, you will study its content to gain an understanding of the important concepts. For best results, you need to choose the right set of books.

Although it is not an easy task to pick on a few books out of the overwhelming number of choices, you can do it with careful consideration. Here are some useful books to which you can refer.

Name of the Book Name of the Author
UCEED Design Environment & Social Awareness in Design Perspective Combined with Mental & Verbal Aptitude Sreejanshilpa
Cracking CEED & UCEED Ashok Goel and  Arjun Kemal

Along with these books, you can also study SILICA’s UCEED study material.

UCEED exam dates

If you are an aspirant for UCEED Examination 2021 and have enrolled for it, here are some important dates that you need to remember.

Event Dates
Application Online October 1 2024. 1.00 pm
Last date for online registration with regular fee October 31, 2024
Last date for Online Registration with late fee November 08, 2024; 5:00 pm
Admit Card downloading January 03, 2025, 1:00 pm
Date of examination January 19, 2025 (Sunday) 09:00 am to 12:00 noon
Declaration of results March 07, 2025

List of UCEED 2025 participating institutes

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur (IITDMJ)

IIT Hyderabad

IIT Bombay

IIT Guwahati

Also Check: How Can Study Materials from a Coaching Center Help Students In Their UCEED Preparation?


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