CEED Preparation Tips For Cracking CEED 2021 Exam – Useful Tips

The pressure is something every student feel in their life. Being a bit nervous sometimes boosts the performance and helps focus on the task at hand like exams. To crack CEED exam, students often find the sketching and drawing part to be difficult. The Part A exam which constitutes of aptitude and mathematics based questions are relatively easy. More time is needed to complete Part B questions. Creativity, imagination, right time-allocation are surely the skills one needs to crack CEED exam.
It is also important to note that the final CEED score is calculated by giving 25% weightage to marks obtained in Part A and 75% weightage to marks in Part B. Therefore when you begin with CEED preparation, you must be very careful to dedicate enough time for drawing and sharpen the required skills. The CEED exam coaching classes also provide practise papers and mock tests to help you improve your skills. There are many tips and advises on part B of CEED preparation. But, it is also equally important to have a clear mind when you attend Part B. A good strategy and right approach can make you the winner. To ease up and attend the CEED exam drawing questions confidently, follow these useful tips mentioned
Pre-Exam Tips to Crack CEED 2020
Before you begin the Part B exam of CEED, make sure that you have at least two grades of pencil. Some experts suggest to take ball pens and also colors. Use them if it is necessary. The shading to sketches is essential. Keep in mind to draw a faint sketch first. This gives room to implement better ideas later if time allows.
Understanding the Question
Very often, students miss to first understand the question. The drawing questions are lengthy and ask you to incorporate several things in the drawing. Therefore, it is important that you divide the question into bits. A lot of instructions are usually given in the question. Read them carefully, make note of the key pointers and then only begin. The issue with drawings is that once you begin without clarity, you may end up messing it. Therefore, give a good amount of time to think before you begin.
Analyze the Image
Once you are done understanding the question, observe and analyse the image thoroughly. The golden rule here is that focus only on the image and work towards drawing the best one. For example, you are asked to draw a flower vase with additional instructions on shading and details. Make sure to give appropriate time to the product given. The other elements can be secondary. Unless stated otherwise, go ahead and follow the same perspective, size, and proportions as given in the
To crack CEED exam, you do not need to be a master in the drawing. A students CEED preparation can be judged by the candidate’s visualization, imagination and creativity quotient. Therefore, keep it simple, neat and clean. The drawing should convey the idea and it doesn’t need to be realistic.
Time Management
Time is precious when it comes to drawing. When you skim through the CEED exam questions, allocate a time for each of the questions. Make up your mind to follow what you have decided with regards to time distribution. This will help you manage time in a better way. Also, check the mark distribution. The questions with more marks are meant to be attempted first. Effective time management must be practiced while doing CEED preparation. Attending the CEED exam coaching classes has one benefit. They offer a lot of questions which are picked by experts. You can surely ace time management skills with good drawing practice.
User-focus & Â Visuals
The product design questions are to be handled carefully. If you have to show a human figure using a jug to pour water into a glass, the size and proportions matter. You should be good at drawing human anatomy as well. Also, make sure how it can be useful for the user. Because ultimately, this is what matters. Along with user- focus, try to maximize the visual elements. Avoid using content to convey the crux of the design.
For CEED preparation, follow these 5 useful tips while you go to the centre to attempt the exam. If you are looking for more assistance , guidance in drawing and CEED Study Material, join for CEED exam coaching classes. Silica is one of the leading institutes with the amazing classroom environment, experienced mentors and structured modules for CEED entrance exam coaching.
Also Read: How Do You Prepare for the CEED Entrance Exam 2021?