Design Career options after 10/12th Standard (Commerce, Science, Arts)

Different Design Career –
- Fashion Designing – As the name suggests, this career is perfect if you love everything fashion, clothes to accessories, implementing the principles of design on materials.
- Architecture –The most popular 5-year design course with six months of training that enables you to develop and design the infrastructure of your own. You design building of all sorts in this course. There are various Sub-fields in the as well, such as –
– Urban Planning
– Landscape Architecture
– Urban Design
– Sustainable Architecture - Product Design/Industrial Design –Designing of products from accessories to automotive, home appliances, furniture, smartwatches, headphone amongst anything else you can think of.
- Interior Design –You design the interior of buildings and infrastructure. It could be both residential like home décor or commercial like malls, showrooms.
- Graphic Designing –Another exponentially growing field in India is animation and graphics. Using software to design, for CGIs in shows and movies. This is a television and internet-based industry.
Also Check: Architect, Interior Design, Fashion Career Guidance for 2021-22
Skills Required For A Career In Architecture –
- Keen- observation
- Sharp thinking
- Excellent sketching skills
- Imagination
- Critical thinking
- The knack of efficient use of space
- Eye for details
- Aesthetic sensitivity
Important Exams For Architecture Aspirants/ Design Aspirants –
There are two main exams conducted nationwide for architecture aspirants, mainly – NATA and JEE Mains Paper 2. NATA stands for National Aptitude Test In Architecture, conducted by the National Institute Of Advance Studies In Architecture, which is a body of the Council Of Architecture. Both NATA and JEE Mains Paper 2 allow you to pursue Architecture but JEE Mains Paper 2 is considered harder in comparison with NATA, mainly because JEE Mains Paper 2 is the gateway for colleges like IITs and NITs which have a lesser number of seats.
Whereas, NATA contains all the other private design and architecture colleges so naturally there are more number seats. Both exams are conducted multiple times a year so you can have more than one attempt if you want. UCEED or Undergraduate Common Entrance Exams For Design are also conducted by IIT Bombay for admission in Bachelor In Design course offered at Industrial Design Centre (IDC), IIT Guwahati, IIITDM Jabalpur, IIT Hyderabad as well as other colleges that accept UCEED scores for admission. Aside from these some private colleges have their entrance exams as well. Along with UCEED, IITs and the Indian Institute of Science also conduct a joint-entrance exam “CEED” for post-graduate studies in the field of technological design.
As mentioned above, some colleges have separate entrance exams for their design courses, like if you want to study at the National Institute of Design or National Institute of Fashion Technology then you need to appear for NID and NIFT entrance exams. See which colleges you’re interested in and which entrance exams you need to qualify for before filling up forms.
How To Prepare –
All of these entrance exams are extremely difficult to crack and require a lot of preparation and practice. You need to dedicate all of your time preparing for these if you want to qualify for any of these. The best way is to sign in for an online coaching class like the likes of SILICA, which provides you with all the required study materials, self-paced video lectures, mock tests, progress tracker, and even previous year’s question paper to prepare to the utmost. They’re also quite convenient as well as they are self-paced, which means you can study at 3 in the morning and there will be no issues. Prepare hard and prepare long to qualify for these exams but once you do, your pathway is set.
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