The admission process for B.Arch (Architecture) & B.Plan (Planning) programs at SPAs, NITs, IITs based on JEE Paper 2 & JEE Paper 1 are conducted by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) of CSAB / CBSE Delhi. The registration for the admission process is starting from 12 September 2022. Here are all the details regarding the admission process.


Guidance Notes:

  1. Your Result: We hope all of you have given and got the score for your JEE Paper 2 exam. If you have not shared the PDF with us, please do so immediately. We need to have your result to be able to guide you and for our own performance analyses.


  1. Important Dates: Kindly refer to the link below for a detailed schedule of JoSAA admission process 2022
JoSAA 2022-Important Dates & Schedule


  1. Admission Authority: JoSAA is the authority to conduct online allotment of seats to B.Arch/B.Plan programs at SPAs / NITs on the basis of JEE Paper 2 Merit List. Here is the official website:


  1. Admission Rules: Attached below is the link to detailed Business Rules that govern the allotment and admission procedures: We strongly recommend students and parents to read the Business Rules in detail.
B.Arch Admissions 2022-List of State wise Admission Process


  1. Register: To participate in the allotment & admission process students need to Register Online and complete Choice Filling before the deadline (20 Sep 2022). Use your JEE (Main) Application Number and password to login. Registration link should become available on the main website- from 12 September 2022.


  1. Participating Institutes: There are 19 B.Arch (1,061 seats) and 4 B.Plan (171 seats) for which admissions will be conducted through this process. We have attached a PDF with the list and suggested ranking of the institutes. This should help you in Choice Filling.
JoSAA 2022-List of Participating Institutes, Seats, Ranking PDF


  1. Choice Filling: We recommend filling your choices for institutes and programs ASAP. If candidates do NOT lock their choices before the deadline (20 Sept 2022), the last saved choices will be locked automatically. Candidates will NOT be able to change their choices / preference order any more.


  1. Seat Allocation: The computer system allocates seats to candidates based on their merit rank vs candidate’s choices in their category e.g. Open, Gen, SC, ST, OBC-NCL, PWD, EWS etc. There will be 5 rounds of automatic seats allocation. Candidates will have to exercise their “Seat Acceptance Options” in each round they participate in, as given below.


  1. Options: If a seat is allocated to the candidate, they will receive an “Initial Seat Allotment Intimation Slip”. They must exercise one of the 3 choices provided-to ‘freeze’, ‘slide’ or ‘float’. Please read point XVIII on pages 31-35 of the Business Rules PDF. For both slide and float options, the candidate can retain their seats, while trying to improve their program or institution as per the choice list they have submitted.
Business Rules-B.Arch+B.Plan AdmissionLink text PDF


  1. Seat Acceptance: Candidates must upload their documents for verification, pay acceptance fee, and respond to any queries on the portal. Only after the document verification is complete, the candidate’s seat is provisionally confirmed and the candidate can download the “Provisional Seat Allotment Letter” from the portal.  The final allotment is complete when the candidate reports to the allotted institute and pays the balance fees.


Important Links / PDFs for the admission process:

JOSAA Official Website

JOSAA events schedule

Business Rules for Admission Process

JoSAA Seat Matrix: for you to research no of seats, reservations

JoSAA Participating Institutes: for you to know all about each institute


Attachments for Other Non-JoSAA admission process:

  1. All B.Arch Colleges: Attached please find a PDF with the list of institutions approved by Council of Architecture (COA) to offer B.Arch program in India. (see attached)
B.Arch Admission 2022-List of Institutions Approved by COA


  1. State Level Institutes Admission Process: As mentioned in earlier guidance, there are 3 types of approved institutes that offer B.Arch program in India-


Type of College Examples Admission Authority Eligible Exam
1. All India Level Institutes NITs, SPAs, IITs JoSAA (by CSAB) JEE P2
2. Affiliated with State Universities J.J. College, BNCA, Kamla Raheja etc State DTE / CET Cells NATA or JEE P2
3. Affiliated with Private / Deemed to be Universities CEPT, ADY Patil, MIT-ADT etc Directly through the Private or Deemed University NATA or JEE P2

Note: About 90% of seats for B.Arch are available in the Type 2 mentioned above. Attached please find a PDF with the links for admission to B.Arch colleges affiliated with State Universities in top 6 States (see attached). We will keep sharing more guidance about each type of college.

How to Solve your Queries:

If you want further guidance, please email us your query on and with the following details- Student Name, Mobile Number, SILICA Center Name, Your Query in detail. We will respond to your query as soon as possible.

Or you can contact your SILICA Center Co-ordinator here Contact Us


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