5 Tips to Manage Time Better to Answer UCEED 2021-22

- The first section will be for (NAT) Numerical Answer Type questions.
- The second section will be for MSQs (Multiple Select Questions).
- The third and the final section will be for MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions).
These three sections need equal attention as each carry good amount of marks. Missing on any or overlooking even a few questions due to lack of time, can affect your score negatively. So to score good in UCEED exam, you must maintain a timeframe within which each and every question you know the answer to, will be completed.
Time Management Tips for UCEED Exam
It is a common complain among students that they miss out on questions which they could have solved, just because they lacked time for the same. To avoid such repercussions, it is best to practice as much as possible to improve on speed of answering questions.
Below-mentioned are some tips for time management for UCEED 2020Â examination:
- Allot Time for Every Question
There are total 80 questions in UCEED exam, which you need to complete in 180 minutes. In this limited time, you must be quick to solve every question, not taking more than two and a half minutes for each. But, so that you have some time left for rechecking the answers or attempting the questions you could not in the first-go, complete each question in 2 minutes itself.
Since UCEED 2020Â will be a computer based exam, you will get the facility to navigate through the questions and have a look at them at convenience, making it easier for re-checking and answering questions not answered yet. So save enough time at hand for all these activities, not to run out of precious minutes to complete the remaining questions.
Also Check: UCEED Exam Paper Pattern / UCEED 2021 Syllabus
- Concentrate on Your Strengths
To make the best of the available time for UCEED 2020 plan for the exam in advance. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Which exam sections are you good at? Know these and start attempting related questions to your strengths the first, as these will take lesser time to solve. Doing so will not only increase your speed but build faith in yourself. So, when it is the time to tackle the difficult questions, you are in a better mindset.
The UCEED coaching classes make you practice questions in a way, keeping in mind the negative marking system. In a negative marking system, if you answer questions wrongly, you lose marks. So as to avoid such a scenario, you must not make wild guesses to any question. It is ideal to answer only the questions you are sure about and know the answer to.
- Focus on Picture-Type Questions
In UCEED exam, you will come across several questions that demand more time and attention. These are usually puzzles and aptitude questions that really make you think. But, then there are picture based questions that can be quickly attempted. These are easy to solve and understand. So, attempt these questions the first if possible. Since the ease level is higher, solving these questions will also boost your confidence, as you do not have to fret about solving them correctly, unlike the aptitude questions.
Take benefit of your UCEED coaching classes to prepare for as many as picture-based questions you can lay your hand on from the past examinations. Even here, you need to time yourself so that you do not go overboard to solve these simple questions.
- Keep Calm
Many candidates get nervous in between answering questions and lose out on time thinking about how much they will score. Now remember, panicking is common during an important examination, but it is equally important to maintain calm and composure. Keep faith on your knowledge. If you are unable to answer a question, do not waste a moment, but proceed to the next question.
You can always save some additional time for revision and attempt the unsolved questions later. Mentally prepare yourself for giving your best before attempting the sample tests. Doing so regularly will build your confidence and keep you calm when it is the time to actually answer the UCEED 2020.
- Review the Answers
When attempting UCEED 2020, do not forget to keep some time at hand to recheck the paper for revision. Typically, save 15 to 20 minutes for this activity. You can save some more time to re-visit the questions you could not solve, and think of possible right answer. You never know, sometimes the right answers come to the mind after you are done with majority of the questions.
Do not compromise on the revision time, as you can solve unanswered questions and improve your score. UCEED coaching classes like SILICAÂ will help you practice sample papers and questions, so that you understand how much time you spend on each section, and how you can manage your time better to keep some for revision.
Final Thoughts
These are some of the efficient time management tips for attempting UCEED exam successfully. Managing time is the key element to scoring well in the test, so practice solving maximum past question papers to plan out for the examination.
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